Hope! Really? Why?

There must be something in the air or maybe it’s this transition back to a world that we knew before the pandemic that has re-ignited conversations about hope or this sense of hope. Why have I urged some many to consider “hope” or have “faith”. As Dr. Judith Rich eloquently suggests in her writings, “Hope is a match in a dark tunnel, a moment of light, just enough to reveal the path ahead and ultimately the way out”.

The purpose of this mindfulness practice is to allow some time and space to consider the things that we are grateful for and even hopeful for. Ultimately, it may help you find your flame that lights a path towards hope. For more resources or inspirations, please check out the Sage Wellness Connection website. There are all kinds of links, blogs, webinars and podcasts that may ignite your curiosity.

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Shannon and Paula
Let go of who you think you NEED to be and JUST BE who you are!

A new year a new you?? To some it may feel like there is incredible pressure to change who they are as we enter a new year. How often are we led to believe that we should leave behind the old and strip ourselves of all that is wrong with us to become someone totally new and better? That can be very dangerous for many people in regards to their overall wellbeing, and can create a whole bunch of unnecessary anxiety. I would like to challenge the mentality of needing to shed the old and bring in all things new. Reducing the pressure on yourself to embrace who you are.

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Shannon and Paula